Tooth Loss
Consequences of losing Teeth
If you have lost any of your teeth, you no doubt realize there are consequences to living without them. Your smile may not look the way you want it to, eating, speaking and intimacy may be more difficult, and your self-confidence may fade. Though serious, these are not the only impacts. There are hidden consequences of losing teeth that affect not only your appearance but also your health.


About Implants
When teeth are missing, the gaps may be closed by bridges or dental implant supported crowns. Implants are primarily alternative roots which support the teeth above them. They are placed into the vacant bone without using the adjacent teeth for support. Sound and sufficient bone is necessary for their placement. Once restored, implants are known to support teeth for decades.
Their alternative is either a bridge, damaging neighboring teeth for support, or living with a removable denture. The latter will need to be removed and cleansed after meals and removed prior to sleep. Dental Implants therefore restore you to your forever comfortable self. Maintenance of implant supported teeth is done by brushing and flossing just like any other tooth in your mouth. They grant you the ability to chew, eat, smile and talk confidently.
Socket Preservation
Socket preservation attempts to prevent bone loss by bone grafting the tooth socket immediately after an extraction. In this procedure, the gum around the condemned tooth is retracted, the tooth is removed, a material (usually a bone substitute) is placed in the tooth socket. The bone socket is then covered with a barrier membrane, and sutured closed.

Bone Graft
When jaw bone has receded or lost its shape, we can often replace it and help new bone grow where it was lost. Depending on where in the mouth bone has been lost and receded, we can select the appropriate procedure.
Augmentation Procedure
Sinus grafts
Bone grafts
Ridge preservations following removal of teeth
Sinus graft
This procedure thickens the wall of bone that form the upper jaw bone and the floor of the sinus. It is this lost bone that is necessary to hold in place the upper back teeth.
Bone graft
This procedure replaces the height and width of the jaw where bone tissues have receded or have been completely lost.
Ridge preservations
This procedure allows us to fill in the empty socket of an extracted tooth which can be done in conjunction with bone augmentation or implant therapy.
For all the above we first prepare the replacement bone which can be sourced from your own bone, autogenous bone, or bone from another source - human or animal.
Versah Sinus Lift
The goal in implant placement is to achieve proper implant stability in bone. One way to prepare the future implant site is to drill away the bone in advance of implant placement. A newer more innovation and healthier method is to Osseodensify. Maintaining and preserving bone during the drilling procedure leads to increased immediate mechanical stability of implants. This non-invasive and gentle technique can be used to increase bone volume in the sinus floor or anywhere bone volume is deficient. We are proud that Dr.Haimovici has learnt this directly from its creator Dr.Salmah Humais.

Cone Beam CT Scan
When clinical and conventional radiography cannot provide us with enough information, we use a Cone Beam CT scan.
We can now:
- Clearly assess the quantity and quality of the jawbone prior to any surgical procedure.
- Determine where the relevant nerves/anatomical structures are located.
- Measure the density of the jawbone where the implant will be placed.
- Plan the complete surgical procedure in advance, from start to finish.
- Precisely decide on the appropriate size and type of implants required for rehabilitation.
PRGF Plasma Rich in
Growth Factors
- Platelet rich plasma and fibrin is drawn from the patient’s own blood, in our clinic.
-Drawn in our clinic at the time of surgery, this greatly enhances bone growth and speeds the healing process.
Growth factors collection originating from the patient’s own blood is considered a breakthrough in bone and soft tissue regeneration because it permits the body to take advantage of the normal healing pathways at a greatly accelerated rate. When the body is wounded and needs to heal, many different cells and cell-types are rushed to the site of the injury. These cells initiate the healing process by forming blood clots and releasing growth factors into the wound. The more growth factors that are introduced to the wound, the quicker and more efficiently the body can heal.By introducing PRGF to the surgical area, the body can take advantage of a large amount of growth factors without the blood cells.
This allows for accelerated healing but without the immune system response of swelling and inflammation. PRGF also has been shown to increase the formation of new bone. By adding PRGF to the surgical site, the doctor can now grow bone more predictably and faster than ever before. This is of great significance when placing dental implants.
Dr Haimovici has spent many hours training with world innovators in order to bring advancement to our clinic. These innovators include:
· Dr Anitua, Spain, PRGF procedures
· Dr. Choucroun, France, advanced surgical techniques
· Dr. Carl Misch – Implant and sinus augmentation procedures
· Dr. Salah Huwais- Osseodensification
Bone augmentation benefits:
1. Recreate a healthy jaw bone
2. Provides a solid anchor for dental implants
3. Form and shape bone and gum anatomy for proper tooth placement and positioning
4. Helps preserve your beautiful smile